Welcome to Philosophical Topics!
This course will introduce or reacquaint you with a wide range of philosophical topics and different philosophical methods and traditions. Each seminar is organised around one main text in a different area of philosophy. At the end of this 10-week course, you will be familiar with the following:
Philosophy of Mind - Functionatlist theories of the mind
Philosophy of Lanugage - Proper names
Vagueness - Interest-relativity and Context-Sensitivity
Epistemology - Tesitmonial Knowledge
Ethics - the Repugnant Conclusion
Political Philosophy - Different notions of equality (inc. criticism of Luck Egliatarianism)
History of Philosophy - Self-Refutation Argument in Plato’s Theaetetus
Continental Philosophy - Butler and Gender
Social Philosophy - Intersectionality in Discrimination Law
We will also have one seminar (in the middle of the semester) where we reflect on writing philosophy.